- 一场空
- (一場空, 一场空)
元 紀君祥 《趙氏孤兒》第二摺: “須二十年報仇的主人公, 恁時節才稱心胸, 我遲疾死後一場空。”《蕩寇志》第七三回: “你記得那年為 林沖 的老婆, 費盡多少心血, 只一場空。”
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
List of programmes broadcast by MediaCorp Channel 8 — This is a list of programmes produced and broadcast on Channel 8, a television channel in Singapore. Lists of programmes includes those telecast when the channel was operated by Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), Television Corporation of… … Wikipedia